Aiden and his beloved "dane-det"
Our beautiful angel looking up at heaven

A big family BBQ hosted by my Sister Jessica
Olivia and her cousin Gracie

Cowboy Aiden...looks like he is line dancing...or climbing into the trash can. You decide. :)
Big brother, Aiden is getting used to the fact that baby sister isn't just visiting. He is talking up a storm. Today he said "Good morning Daddy." It was so cute! Paul couldn't help but wake up with a smile on his face. I love playing with him. We all have such a great time together. Aiden loves to blow bubbles and play in his pool in the backyard. Having a house has been such a blessing. We have tons of projects, but it's a labor of love.
Aiden got his first sunburn today. We went to the T-Mobile company picnic and Mom forgot the sunscreen. Ooops! It was bound to happen at some point, but I feel terrible. We had a great time so I think it was worth it.
I am trying very hard to keep this blog updated. Its so much easier just to post pictures to facebook, but I really like this better. Bare with me all those how keep checking. I will make time for it eventually.